Sunday, February 3, 2013

Petal Bowl

Finished "double walled bowl" and "rose  bowl".  Whatcha think?  I think they turned out lovely.

 Cool pick of the wheels :)
 And this is why I named it a Petal Bowl.  I think it looks like a flower from above :).

I wanted it to be a pasta bowl.  I think those are usually shaped like cone, realy tall and  hold lost of noodles! 
 Here's a great shot.  I usually use that middle wheel, but I felt bad for my manual kick wheel, so I decied to throw this weeks bowl on her :).  Isn't she a beauty?
I've been really into movement for the past few years.  I just like guiding someone's eyes around the piece.  I think this rim does that successfully. :)  This bowl is simple, but i think the shape speaks for itself.  I've often thought about only glazing white for a year, just to focus on the form and the negative space the shape creates.  Maybe this piece will be white...

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